Monash Council welcomes with delight the Australian Government’s announcement of $4.75 million in funding to create the Eastern Innovation Business Centre in Mulgrave. Monash Mayor Micaela Drieberg said the high-tech… read more →
Danger can be around any corner in the workplace and we often take our safety for granted. The new Work Health and Safety Act 2012 will be introduced in Victoria… read more →
Your IT security employee handbook is full of tips to help keep you, your colleagues, and our business secure. But the number one rule is don’t use an unprotected computer.… read more →
Work from Home – The employee works outside the central workplace – usually at home or at a satellite location, for all or part of a working week. An occupational… read more →
Spending much of your time at work sitting down? Why would this be a problem? The technology now commonly used in workplaces has meant many changes to how we work.… read more →
The Victorian Equal Opportunity & Human Rights Commission has published guidelines for employers and employees about the new ‘family responsibilities’ under the state’s Equal Opportunity Act. From 1 September 2008,… read more →
With hours of work generally on the increase, the issue of work-life balance is also becoming increasingly important. The concept of the standard eight hour day is fast disappearing for… read more →
In IT Security, information is power, and protecting that information is fundamental. Don’t be tricked into giving away confidential information. Scammers are becoming increasingly bold in their ability to create… read more →