IT Security Tip

In IT Security, information is power, and protecting that information is fundamental.

Don’t be tricked into giving away confidential information. Scammers are becoming increasingly bold in their ability to create fake emails or other communications that look and sound authentic.

If you suspect an email is fake, or have received a suspicious phone call from someone who you think is trying to impersonate a staff member, don’t dismiss it, trust your gut instincts and tell someone. Tell your manager, tell your co-worker, most importantly tell your IT department.  Many people don’t realise that the majority of  IT security breaches are not the result of trojans or viruses, but simply people being tricked into revealing sensitive information. If a stranger asked you for the keys to your home, what would you do?

Here are some handy hints to remember:

  • Don’t respond to emails or phone calls requesting confidential company information including employee information, financial results or company secrets
  • It’s easy for an unauthorized person to call us and pretend to be an employee or one of our business partners
  • Stay on guard to avoid falling for this scam
  • Report any suspicious activity to IT
  • And protect your personal information just as closely

Check out a short video on this month’s security tip

Security threats are here to stay and changing constantly over time. But by following this tip and others in your IT security employee handbook you won’t accidentally put yourself and your company in a compromised position.

Take care and stay safe.